Tuesday, March 31, 2020


As we head into our final two weeks in Russellville, AR we begin to think about what is next. Originally we had planned on hanging out down here until it warmed up and we could head north to see family and friends. Those plans changed a while back, and instead of "hanging" it became "hunkering-down" until it was safe to head north. Not sure when that will be.

I truly believe the medical and scientific community when they say we need to slow the curve down. For me this has nothing to do with politics. I do not judge how others feel. We have been following their advice and socially distancing. We are not hoarding, but our last grocery store run was March 19th and we probably can go another 2 weeks. Have we run out of things? Sure, but we can make do with what we have, or don't have (I am out of chocolate!).

I am not afraid of the virus, because I think most of us will get it. I would prefer to skip it and, most importantly, I don't want to give it to someone else, especially someone who may not be able to survive it. By slowing the curve down I hope that we can lessen the burden on the medical community; in the quantity of supplies, the number of people needing to be hospitalized, the health of the medical community themselves, and lives.  Yes, it's a little selfish, I am in the at-risk category. I would hope that if I enter the hospital that they don't have to choose whether I get a ventilator, or the young person that came in at the same time (by the way if that should happen the young person should win). I hope by lowering that curve that they can find out more about Covid-19 and get a better understanding of how to deal with it. Whether it be how to contain it, prevent it, or cure it, I hope that gives them time to save lives.

We are as worried about the economy as the next person. We retired early and for the next 4 years our income is totally from savings. Healthcare is on us. We will deal with that. I cannot deal with people dying when we could even remotely make a difference. Will socially distancing work? No one knows. Since there doesn't appear to be anything else to try right now, we are going to do it. This will not be the last disease we have to fight, but I hope this helps the country prepare for the upcoming ones.

The past few weeks has lent to a lot of thinking. Mostly about how thankful I am for my husband, my 3 sons, my 2 daughter-in-laws, my 6 grand-kids, our extended family and friends. That, right now, is what is important to me. My wish for all of you is that you are safe!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I have cocoa but I'm out of my snacking chocolate! I'll survive.😃 A lit of National and various State campgrounds are closed from what I've seen. We are at a private one.
