It's been a while but we have another National Park to scratch off the list. Today was an explore day in Voyageurs. Voyageurs is a water-based park with lots of interconnecting water ways, meaning exploring most of it requires doing it from the water. We also went to Vermilion Falls Overlook, not in the National Park, but on our way home.
Upper Vermilion Falls |
Closest to us were 2 of the 3 Voyageurs visitor centers, Kabetogama Lake and Ash River. The furthest one of those two was about 40 minutes from us. None of the visitor centers were open, but we drove around the areas and walked on a path. We were limited because we had Krikkit and pets are only allowed on the parking lots of the visitor centers and not many trails. I'm excited for our water taxi tour tomorrow to see some of the areas only accessible by water.
Our main stop was at the Ash River Visitor Center. There we found Kabetogama Lake Overlook. The short trail to the overlook allowed dogs. The visitor center itself it located in the historic Meadwood Lodge. It was up some steps so Pat took that hike.
Lake view from the visitor's center |
On our way home we decided to turn the other direction from our campground when we reached the town of Orr. We took another 40 minute drive to Vermilion Falls Overlook in Superior National Forest. It included 6 miles in and back out on a gravel road. Pat said it had better be worth it. When we got out of our car you could already hear the roar. It wasn't as tall as some, but the volume and speed made up for the height. It was definitely worth the gravel road. The Vermilion river, falls, and trail get their name from the brownish-red water. It doesn't make for good swimming due to the murky water and LEECHES!
Upper Falls |
Lower falls |
Looking down at Pat and lower falls |
Lower Falls |
Pool at the bottom
If the videos below don't work I will repost them tomorrow with help. We do not have good phone or internet service here, so that along with a technologically inept operator, made for things not going too smoothly tonight!
Hmm, I doubt if I make it to Iceland, buti do love waterfalls!