Monday, March 1, 2021

The freeze and a glimpse of RV park life, part 2

I hope this poor cactus recovers from the freeze.

Thursday at 11 was Funky Bingo.  Pat won a gift card to Schoolhouse Creamery.   At noon there was "lunch in the park" with yet another food truck, Chivos (Mexican) from 11-1.  FYI - no rocket launch today, maybe Monday.

This is wind-down month, both for us and the park.  We move on in April and winter park activities are coming to a close too, as many "winter Texans" head home.  Many people return to the same park each year and some have been coming here for over 10 years.  It's a nice, friendly park, but we have other places we would like to "winter" in also.

Friday was the deadline for the local history trivia quiz.  Texas Squeezers food truck was here from 1-5.  A British Invasion Block Party was from 3-5.  You were encourage to dress in your British attire and there was music and dancing.  We walked up near the end of the British Invasion Block Party and caught a song or too.

Some Saturdays the ice cream truck drives through in the afternoon but otherwise it's pretty quiet.  Other than a game of shuffleboard we didn't do anything.

Sunday was spent planning our route after we leave here and through our arrival in Kansas City in May for Drs. appointments.  I find this process VERY stressful and one of the least favorite parts of our journey.  It took us all day to only "tentatively" plan 1 1/2 months.   We did take a break to play shuffleboard.

We almost always get grocery pick-up at Walmart or HEB (bigger chain in Texas) but I had to go in Walmart earlier this week.  Because of the winter storm last week, the supplies didn't come in and on Monday the stores were still empty.  If I placed an order, waited for my time slot, the food I selected was no longer available.  On Tues. they were still out of milk, eggs, packaged meats (hot dogs, bacon, lunch meat, most cheeses, etc.), frozen foods and, in my case, pancake mix when I went in late morning.  They did have a small selection of fresh meat and some shelves had a few more items, so it's coming.  I also had to go to Hobby Lobby for some material for the bed rails Pat made for our upper bed.  I have decided I don't miss shopping in the stores and I hope at least the grocery stores continue curb-side pick-up.  Most stores have had good " food shopper's" but Walmart has overall been consistently great which surprised me. 

I went for a walk in the park today, Monday, both to practice with my camera and show some of the damage to local trees.  As far as the camera, I'm learning more (I still need to learn a LOT more--I'm driving Pat nuts) about the camera and editing pictures. I think the more I know, the less I know! Next:  videos!  I heard on the news that quite a few palm trees weren't going to survive the freeze.  I'm not sure how much damage they can survive though.  Following the freeze damage pictures are some pictures of the decor here at the park.  

Sunday it was in the mid 80's, humid and hot.  We had the air conditioner going most of the day  We sat outside in shorts and sandals until nearly 10 p.m.  Today we woke up to 70's, but by noon the times were a changin'.  By mid afternoon the temperatures dropped and at 5 it's 54°, raining, and it's cold!  We have hardly had any rain in the 3 months we've been here, not sure if that's normal or not.  

We're still waiting for a SpaceX launch.  Won't be tomorrow though.  I will be anxious to share with you a new activity after the launch that we're going to try in Mission, TX.

The lower branches of the palm trees are sagging and in some cases even the top ones.  Most have also got some, to a lot, of brown on the palms.

The sparrows have taken over the martin houses at Bird Park.

When the cacti look like the top picture they cut off the dead looking parts as you see on these two cacti plants.

A tree in Bird Park that doesn't look too good.

This is Nora and her owner.  On my walk Nora sat down and the gentleman commented that she was ready for a picture.  I said "hi," and started to walk by and he said, "I guess not."  I  thought he was kidding but I told him I would be delighted to take Nora's picture!

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