If you have a trailer or motorhome you might know what these are. |
We left Buhl, ID for Wells, NV in no hurry Sat. morning. A short 120 mile day with check-in not until 1:00. We even stopped for lunch and played around at the rest area.
By the way, if you didn't know what's in the first picture, they are jack pads. You put them under the jacks on soft or uneven ground to prevent bending the jack stand base. We learned the hard way that without them you can ruin the base pretty easily. We started with wood jack pads that Pat made. They worked for a while, although they took up a lot of space and began to separate. Then we had snap-pads that were suppose to snap on, but due to the shape of ours jack stand base they didn't. We lost a couple of those on the road somewhere. Rather than glue the snap-pads on the base we got the above,
RoadWarrior by DICA, which work great.
Now, the rest of the story. When we arrived at Mountain Shadows RV park in Wells, Pat began his set-up procedure. He lowered the air bags and went out to put the pads down, before lowering the jacks which is followed by leveling the RV. Now comes the "ooops." We left the jack pads back in Buhl! Picking the pads up is one of the last things we do before we leave a site. Quite frankly, I'm surprised that this is the first time we've done this. They are really nice pads, pretty expensive, and not something we could buy quickly, so our 120 mile day turned into 360 miles. At least it was a short mileage day and we only had to take the car back to Buhl to retrieve the pads. We gained an hour today so we were back in Buhl by 5 p.m. pacific time with the pads. We had a good laugh, or maybe we will tomorrow?
A view from the road on Sat. |
This rest area was Sunday's lunch stop. The metal sculpture represents the Pony Express mail station located 4 miles away at Schellebourne in Stage County. It was operated from 1809-1861. |
With the wind, the surrounds on the picnic areas were probably helpful.
This old defunct bar and motel were across the highway. |
Since it advertises RV Parking I guess it's not from the Pony Express era, lol! |
We are spending Sunday night at Ely, NV. We first visited Ely at the end of June this year when we were on our way north. When we stayed at Great Basin N.P. Ely, 61 miles away, was the closest town with a grocery store. Today we checked out just a few of their murals and displays, both depicting the history of the area.
1919 Transcontinental Military Convoy led by Lt. Colonel Dwight D. Eisenhower. |
Cattle Drive completed in 1999 by Larry Bute. Illustrates the cows being shipped to market by rail after the cowboys had driven them to holding pens near East Ely. This is only a portion of the mural. |
Pony Express by Don Gray. The Pony express trail was just north of Ely. In the 1800's mail delivery from East to West took months by ship, 25 days by stage coach, and 10 days by Pony Express. |
The Robinson District Liberty Pit began in 1908. By 2016 4.5 billion pounds of copper and 3 million ounces of gold had been mined. The Liberty Pit is not mined today but other Robinson District mines are still in use. |
The teepees at the Ely KOA come with a bunk bed set and a full queen bed. Bring your own linens, no bath, kitchen or pets. |
This is a fairly large campground and we are parked right next to another Palazzo. Where are the Piepers now? Ely, NV Tomorrow? A top secret location! |
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