There will never be a photograph of the Grand Canyon that can adequately describe its depth, breadth, and true beauty. -- Stephanie Payne |
Granted we didn't go into the park until mid- morning, but even though it is Oct. and in the middle of the week, the Grand Canyon was busy on Weds. First park we've been to with 5 lines being processed. Imagine what it's like June-August!
I will beg you to visit our National Parks. It doesn't require camping. It doesn't cost a lot of money. In fact, you've already paid with your taxes. It does provide an indescribable beauty, peace and wonder that you will find nowhere else!
You can buy a weekly or yearly pass. If you are 62 or older you can buy a lifetime senior pass. You can get a car-load of people into a park on one fee. What a bargain! Pat and I each have a card because you can get discounts on other things such as tours, which requires a card per person.
Strange to see a park without an "extreme" fire danger. |
Trees, Pat is happy! |
We are camping at Trailer Village Campground, one of the few campgrounds in a National Park with full hook-ups. This is only the second National Park we have camped at with our RV. |
FLASHBACK: Pat, myself and the boys stayed at the Grand Canyon on a 1996 Western trip. We stayed at Mathers primitive campground which is right next to the one we are at now. |
FLASHBACK: In 1968 I was 10. With my parents and my brother Mark we camped at the Grand Canyon on a western trip. Pretty sure this was at one of the two other campgrounds, Mather or Desert View. |
FLASHBACK: The year was 1960 and we were on a 5? week trip west. My parents, brothers John (he wasn't in many pictures because he was the photographer) and Mark, and myself were at the Grand Canyon. |
This gentleman was there (2 sites down) to greet us when we pulled into our site. They stress to stay at least two bus lengths away. There are Elk wandering or grazing in the campground every day. |
This rock came from the bottom of the canyon and is 1840 million years old. Unlike most things parks are trying to preserve, you were encouraged to touch it. |
Buckey's Cabin is the only building left from the early settlement. It was built in 1895. |
"The Lookout" is one of the 4 buildings designed by Mary Colter. It was designed in 1914 to integrate into the surroundings. It still is a gift store and provides a beautiful view of the canyon. |
Behind The Lookout you can step out into the canyon. |
Originally the home of the Kolb Brothers, this building has been used for many purposes. Today the Kolb Studio houses a bookstore and art gallery. |
Another building designed by Mary Colter is the Hopi House. The Indian Pueblo opened in 1905 not just as a curio shop, but as a place where American Indian artists lived, worked, and sold their wares.
Across from the Hopi House is the El Tovar Hotel located right on the south rim. Opening in 1905 the elegant hotel catered to the wealthy. It has 78 rooms none of them alike.
Most of our exploring was near Verkamp's Visitor Center and Museum Store. |
Where are the Piepers now? Trailer Village, Grand Canyon National Park.
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