...are more fun and meaningful than all the banquets in the world... -- E. A. Bucchianeri, Brushstrokes of a Gadfly.  |
"Grandpa, if you finish first you have to eat it all (including the stick) to be the winner." Pat tried! |
The weather this weekend was perfect! Clara came back for another try at making some beach art. I had soooo many shells and we used them all. Pat said I couldn't collect any more shells.
Proud grandparents this weekend! Emma received a "I"rating for both her saxophone ensemble and her solo. Softball opening weekend for Lilah (they were celebrating openning day for softball and baseball) at League City Sportsplex. It started in the morning with a parade and then an all day carnival. She is catcher for her team, Gold Rush. Alexa's robotic team won first place in programming A and B.
All 3 events were going on simultaneously Saturday, so between Eric, Toni, and 2 sets of grandparents, they all had someone present. We all got to be at Lilah's game Sat. evening and saw her score on a slide.
Alexa and her medals from the robotics competition. |
Lilah |
Clara's shell mermaid. |
I never knew! Pat looking to sea for inspiration on his sailboat design. |
Sunday, our final day in Galveston, has arrived. 70° and the low last night was only down in the mid 60's. VERY WINDY and foggy today though. Cooler temperatures by late afternoon with rain headed this way. We'll be headed inland now, which will mean a little warmer during the day but greater variance between day and night temperatures.
It's such a small world. Our new neighbor Laura, and her golden retriever, are from Kansas City. It's always amazing to me the connections you have with people you meet all across the country.
The salt air is hard on vehicles, bikes, etc. so we tried to wash some of it off Sunday.
There's a kite store not far from our campground. Most days they have a couple of kites flying. Today the wind must have worked for them.
Joy Ride, sponsored by Better Parks for Galvesto, created by Jane Young French. |
TOR-tles, sponsored by Galveston ISD, created by Isabelle Carlin Alvarado. |
Starla, by Galveston ISD, created by Makayla Lasley. |
I thought Shelly Sanderson, sponsored by Sand 'N Sea Properties and created by Ellie Peters was cute. If you zoom in, this side of the suitcase says, "GALVESTON ISLAND BECAUSE LIFE'S TOO SHORT TO LIVE IN HOUSTON."
Another tricky one was Dr. Tommy Tortuga, sponsored by UTMB Health, created by Sabrina Stachowski. The health campus was big and it took two days and some detective work to find him. |
La Calavera, sponsored by Asset Recovery Management Services, created by Mary Ruth Brown. This was a tough one. The address they gave was 5 blocks away at the United States National Bank. We spent at least 15 minutes looking for it around the bank.
Tiger Lily, sponsored by Therapeutic HealthWorks Day Spa, created by Isabella Carlin Alvarado.
Located in Kemper Park was Alice, sponsored by the Alice Taylor Gray Foundation, created by Derek Anderson. |
They park had a large community room or events center. Also, a great walking path. |
We noticed several things happening around the beach area this week that we figured are for upcoming spring break and lots of visitors.
They recently put up flags and signs warning swimmers to stay away from jetties. |
This looks like a lifeguard stand. |
Along the seawall and beach area several of these popped up. Maybe changing rooms? |
Hey, if I have to look at it on my walk, so do you!
Where are the Piepers now? Galveston, TX
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